Bangladeshi media say access to YouTube, one of the world's top Internet sites for sharing video clips, has been blocked in the interest of national security. 孟加拉国媒体说,进入YouTube网站出于国家安全利益而被封锁。YouTube是世界上分享录像片段的最主要网站。
Although its life as a tube station was short and uneventful, it played a vital role during World War Two and is one of London's best-known closed tube stations. 尽管唐街的地铁站生涯可谓短暂平庸,但它却在第二次世界大战期间扮演了重要角色并因此成为伦敦最出名的被关闭的地铁站。
In this paper, the investigation of buried pipeline in the world in soil, wave, earthquake, tube materials, anticorrosion and its testing, failure analysis, etc. 文章从土壤、海浪、地震、管材、防腐的方法与测试、失效判据等方面对国内外在役埋地管道的研究动向作了阐述。
Messe D ü sseldorf enjoys global standing as the organiser of Wire and Tube, the world's leading trade fair in the international wire, cable and tube sector held in D ü sseldorf. 杜塞尔多夫素有线缆,管材,世界在国际电线,电缆,管部门在杜塞尔多夫举行的贸易展览会主办机构的全球领先地位。
1870-Tower Subway, the world's first underground tube railway, opens in London. 1870年的今天,世界上第一条地下铁路&塔地铁在伦敦开通。
Only, in the ironic world of the You-Tube generation, do not expect Mr Hurley and Mr Chen to develop the swagger of media barons-at least, not until they get comfortably into their thirties. 但是,在YouTuBe一代所处的讽刺世界中,不要期望赫尔利和陈士骏会有传媒巨头的大佬派头&至少,在他们安逸地步入30岁之前不会这样。
ATSON-MARLOW BREDEL is the world's largest manufacturer of tube and hose pumps, with over one million pumps sold. MarlowBredel是世界上最大的蠕动泵和软管的制造商,目前销售量已超过一百万个。
His only connection to the outside world was an air tube and a bell. 僧人与外界唯一的联系就只通过通气管与铃声。
New development trend of world seamless steel tube manufacture technologies and reference for domestic steel tube industries 世界无缝钢管生产技术发展的新趋向及对我国钢管生产的借鉴
All over the world, the experimental study on seismic performance of rectangular concrete-filled steel tube column-to-steel beam connections, especially semi-rigid connections, is elementary for their different forms and complicated seismic performance. 由于节点形式的多样性和受力的复杂性,国内外对矩形钢管混凝土柱&梁连接节点方面的研究尚处于起步阶段,很不完善,尤其是对半刚性节点受力性能的研究。
Gastrointestinal decompression is the most effective way to treat with acute bowel obstruction without any indications of strangulation mortality rate in the world. The traditional nasogastric tube is not long enough for suction of the distal intestine and the clinical efficacy is finite. 胃肠减压是急性肠梗阻在排除绞窄性倾向后内科治疗最有效的方法。普通鼻胃管较短,对肠腔内容物常无直接抽吸作用,减压效果有限。
The world display industry is transferring from conventional cathode ray tube to flat panel display; this gives Chinese display enterprise a opportunity to overtake foreign FPD enterprise. 世界显示产业正处在由传统的阴极射线管向平板显示器件转型的时刻,这为中国显示企业赶超世界平板显示企业提供了有利的契机。